Muto Pure Chemicals to contribute to clinical examination with consumables and instruments


Coated glass

Silane Slide is hydrophobic. Between the silica on glass surface and the organic polymer, they make organic reactions and are combined.
As compared with other adhesives, its toxicity is weak and shows heat resistance. There is less staining of background and the stability over acid and alkali is also excellent.


Silane coated slide

Amino silane which is a kind of silane coupling with organic-inorganic hybrid is used.
The silanol of an inorganic ingredient combines with the silanol of a glass surface, and shows very firm associative strength after drying condensation.
The amino group of an organic ingredient serves as a coat slide which oriented on the surface of the coat film with plus charge (+).


Silane S

We developed for the purpose of adhesive strength.
You may realize its adhesive strength more powerful than before. It can be used for specimens which are processed in high temperature for activations of the antigens or in high alkaline solution in the cytological-diagnosis field.


New Sillane II

Adhesive strength is kept stronger and less background staining by PAM with the silver mirror reaction and less dyeing spots by IHC staining .
The hydrophilic glass surface is equivalent to New Silane II and the specimen preparation is easy.


New Silane III

The hydrophilic glass surface is equivalent to New Silane Ⅲ. 
Adhesive strength is kept stronger and less background staining by PAM
with the silver mirror reaction.
New Silane Ⅳ is developed for less dyeing spots by IHC staining.


New Silane Ⅳ

Even as high as 120 ℃, a tissue section does not peeled from the coated slide which is suitable for the immunohistochemistry. It is usable with the autoclave and the microwave devices.


Immuno Coat Slide

Polly L - lysine is a macromolecule of the lysine which is a kind of the amino acid with two amino groups and one carboxyl in molecular structure, and with plus (+) charge.
If PLL is coated on a glass surface, one amino group makes an ionic bond to a glass surface, and another amino group oriented on the surface of the coat film provides plus(+) electric charge.


PLL(Polly L - lysine)
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